科学研究 > 发表论文

1. X Ma and S Zhu*,2013,Metabolic syndrome in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes – Still a matter of debate?,European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2013, 67(5): 518-521

2. X Ma, R Griffin, G McGwin, D Allison, S B Heymsfield, W He, S Zhu*,2013,Effectiveness of booster seats compared with no restraint or seat belt alone for crash injury prevention.,Academic Emergency Medicine 2013, 20(9): 880-887 该论文被MDLinx推荐.该论文被杂志编辑部赋予《社论》

3. X Hu, J Gao, Q Zhang, Y Fu, K Li, S Zhu, D Li.,2013,Soy fiber improves weight loss and lipid profile in overweight and obese adults: A randomized controlled trial.,Mol Nutr Food Res 2013, 57(12): 2147-2154

4. X Fu, A Song, Y Zhou, X Ma, J Jiao, M Yang, S Zhu*,2013,Association of regional body fat with metabolic risks in Chinese women.,Public Health Nutrition 2013, 17(10): 1-9

5. X Zhao, Z Wang,* J Zhang, J Hua, W He, S Zhu*,2013,Estimation of total body skeletal muscle mass in Chinese adults: Prediction model by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.,PLoS ONE 2013, 8(1): e53561

6. W He, S Zhang, A Song, M Yang, J Jiao, DB Allison, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu*,2013,Greater abdominal fat accumulation is associated with higher metabolic risk in Chinese than in white people: An ethnicity study.,PLoS ONE 2013, 8(3): e58688

7. M Jin, B Chen, Y Mao, Y Zhu, Y Yu, Y Wu, M Zhang, S Zhu, K Chen,2013,Prevalence of overweight and obesity and their associations with socioeconomic status in a rural Han Chinese adult population.,PLoS ONE 2013, 8(11): e79946

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