研究团队 > 教师
姓       名:朱善宽
籍       贯:浙江 温州
职       称:
教授(浙江大学求是特聘教授;美国中华医学基金会(CMB)杰出教授;多伦多大学教授(Status Only))
职       务:

•  浙江大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生系  主任
•  浙江大学公共卫生学院慢性病研究所  所长
•  浙江大学医学院肥胖与人体组成研究中心  主任
•  浙江大学—斯坦福大学健康联合实验室  负责人

•  国家儿童健康与疾病临床医学研究中心 副主任

简       介:



地       址:浙江大学医学院 科研楼
邮       箱:zsk@zju.edu.cn

2000–2003年: 博士后  美国 哥伦比亚大学医学院 营养研究所 肥胖研究中心
1993–1997年: 博士生  日本 名古屋大学医学院 公共卫生系
1992–1993年: 研究生  日本 名古屋大学医学院 公共卫生系 (博士前期)
1983–1988年: 本科生  浙江大学医学院(浙江医科大学) 临床医学系

2007年–现在: 浙江大学 求是特聘教授,博士生导师
2017年–现在: 多伦多大学 教授(Status only)
2020年–现在: 浙江大学儿童医院 兼聘教授 
2019年–现在: 国家儿童健康与疾病临床医学研究中心  副主任
2012年–现在: 浙江大学公共卫生学院 营养与食品卫生系  系主任
2011年–现在: 浙江大学公共卫生学院 慢性病研究所  所长
2018–2020年: 浙江大学附属妇产科医院 兼聘教授 
2009–2017年: 浙江大学公共卫生学院  副院长(2009至2012年主持工作)
2008–2010年: 美国 威斯康新医学院 兼职副教授
2007–2008年: 美国 威斯康新医学院 兼职助理教授
2003–2007年: 美国 威斯康新医学院 家庭和社区医学系 终身制助理教授(Tenure-track) 
2003–2003年: 美国 哥伦比亚大学医学院 肥胖研究中心 研究员(Research Associate) 
1997–2000年: 日本 名古屋大学医学院 公共卫生系 文部省教官,助理教授
1993–1997年: 日本 名古屋大学医学院 公共卫生系 教辅(部分时间)
1988–1992年: 浙江大学医学院(浙江医科大学)临床医学系 助教 
                浙江大学医学院 社会医学系 社会医学项目成员(部分时间)
                浙江大学医学院附属第二医院 医生(部分时间)

1.环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)全球卫生Steering Committee成员,顾问
2.2018年第三届环太平洋人群健康联盟高峰会(PRAPH)  主办者 (2018年10月)
3.2018年WELL Asia年会  主办者 (2018年10月)
4.2018年浙江大学-斯坦福大学健康联合研究会议  主办者 (2018年11月)
5.2013年第八届环太平洋大学联盟(APRU)全球卫生研讨会 主办者 中方主席
6.2011年第9届国际人体组成学会议  主席
7.International Society for Body Composition Research  (ISBCR) 国际人体组成学会  执行委员
8.Wisconsin Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) Committee  理事
9.International Epidemiological Association (IEA)  成员
10.American Public Health Association (APHA)  成员
11.American College of Epidemiology (ACE)  成员
12.North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO)  成员
13.Association for Advancement of Automotive Medicine (AAAM)  成员
14.Society for Advancement of Violence and Injury Research (SAVIR)  成员
15.中华预防医学会公共卫生教育委员会  常委
16.中国全球卫生大学联盟  常务理事
17.中国营养学会营养与慢病分会 副主任委员
18.中国营养学会肥胖防控分会 副主任委员
19.中国营养学会 理事
20.科创之江百人会  首批会员
21.浙江生命健康学会联合体  主席团成员
22.浙江省营养学会  理事长
23.浙江省营养学会  常务理事
24.浙江省预防医学会  副会长
25.浙江省预防医学会  常务理事
26.浙江省产学研结合促进会医药专委会 主任委员
27.浙江省营养学会老年营养分会 主任委员
28.浙江省预防医学会公共卫生教育委员会  主任委员
29.浙江省疾病预防控制中心  顾问
30.北美浙江大学校友会  理事 
31.美国竺可桢教育基金会  理事
34.2014 - 2022年连续9年入选中国高被引学者榜单(Elsevier)(医学类)

学术杂志编委 (Editorial Board / Academic Editor):
欧洲临床营养学杂志 (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition) (副主编)
PLOS 综合 (PLOS ONE)(—2020.10)(编委)
世界急诊医学杂志 (World Journal of Emergency Medicine) (编委)

国际学术期刊杂志专家审稿人 (Peer-reviewer for international journal):
美国临床营养学杂志          American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 
美国预防医学杂志              American Journal of Preventive Medicine 
美国公共卫生学杂志          American Journal of Public Health 
流行病学刊                          Annals of Epidemiology 
人类生物学刊                      Annals of Human Biology 
应用生理营养代谢              Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism 
儿少医学年刊                      Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 
动脉粥样硬化                      Atherosclerosis 
英国营养学杂志                  British Journal of Nutrition 
英国医学杂志                      BMJ (British Medical Journal)
BMC杂志                            BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 
循环                                      Circulation 
糖尿病治疗                          Diabetes Care
残疾和健康杂志                  Disability and Health Journal 
内分泌学                              Endocrinology 
欧洲临床营养学杂志          European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 
国际肥胖学杂志                  International Journal of Obesity 
青少年健康杂志                  Journal of Adolescent Health 
美国医学杂志                      JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) 
恶病质肌肉减少和肌肉      JCSM (Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle)
糖尿病及并发症杂志          Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 
内分泌和代谢杂志              Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 
妇女健康杂志                      Journal of Women’s Health 
营养学杂志                          Nutrition Journal 
肥胖研究                              Obesity Research 
肥胖综述                              Obesity Reviews 
PLoS  综合                           PLoS ONE 
预防医学杂志                      Preventive Medicine 
公共卫生杂志                      Public Health 
公共健康营养学                  Public Health Nutrition 


南非医学会   Medical Research Council, South Africa 
美国中华医学基金会 US China Medical Board (CMB)

中国教育部  长江学者,博士后基金,等 

浙江大学斯坦福大学学者揭示肠道菌群与脂肪分布关系(Min, et al., Nature Communications 2019年6月)。

2.新华网 (2018年11月)

寻找健康密码 – 中美科学家开启10年1万人的健康队列研究。


中国人群最佳体重指数 (Zhu, et al., Canadian Medical Association Journal,特邀述评. 2011 DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.110142, 1-2)。

6.洛杉矶时报, 欧洲,德国,俄国等媒体(2010年3月)
肥胖,性别差异及交通伤害(Zhu, et al., PLoS Medicine. 2010: 7(3); 1-12)。

7.纽约时报,路透社,创新报道,今日医学新闻, News Medical Net, The Journal Times, News 24, 等(2006年5月)
安全带和交通事故研究  (Allan, Zhu, et al., Academic Emergency Medicine. 2006: 13:427-434)。

8.纽约时报,华盛顿邮报,洛杉矶时报,财富杂志,创新报道,美国广播公司(ABC), 英国广播公司(BBC), 福克斯新闻(Fox News), Journal Sentinel, 等(2006年3月)
肥胖和交通事故研究 (Zhu, et al., American Journal of Public Health. 2006: 96:734-739)。

9.哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS News), 美国广播公司(ABC), 路透社, 福克斯新闻(Fox News),  纽约邮报, 雅虎新闻,美国在线(AOL),等(2005年2月)
种族腰围和心血管危险因子研究 (Zhu, et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2005: 81:409-415)。
福克斯电视新闻6频道(Fox TV News Ch6)专题(2005年11月16日晚9点)。

10.美国电视新闻网(CNN), 美国国家广播公司(NBC), 哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS News),等 1百多家新闻机构 (2003年2月)
代谢综合征研究 (Park, Zhu, et al., Archives of Internal Medicine. 2003: 163:427-436)。

11.洛杉矶时报,美国在线(AOL),雅虎新闻,Medrants, Medscape, Health Canada, 欧洲,德国,俄国,等(2002年9月)
腰围和肥胖研究 (Zhu, et al., American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2002: 76:743-749)。

12.国内: 搜狐,都市快报,钱江晚报,健康报 等(2007-2011年)

为项目负责人获得各项基金资助(包括唐仲英基金会,中华医学基金会,美国NIH R01,日本文部省,斯坦福大学,浙江大学等)总金额超过3700万元。
1.Hsun K Chou基金。浙江大学教育基金会。慢性病研究所科学研究与发展。总金额210万元。项目负责人(PI)
5.斯坦福大学联合科研项目。WELL – China (Wellness Living Laboratory – China)(一期)。斯坦福大学科研基金资助约520万元。项目负责人(PI)
15.浙江大学“985工程”公共卫生科技创新平台基金。总金额200万元 。项目负责人(PI)
22.美国国家卫生院(NIH)R01项目研究基金。R01 EB006552  肥胖和交通伤的研究。总金额103万美元。项目负责人(PI)
24.美国辉瑞制药(Pfizer Pharmaceutical Inc., USA)。代谢综合征和人体组成研究。总金额5万美元。项目负责人(PI)
25.国际体重观察(Weight Watchers International, Inc., USA)。自主减肥和商业减肥的比较研究。总金额1.5万美元。项目共同负责人(Co-PI)
26.Tanita Corporation, USA。代谢综合征和脂肪分布研究。总金额1.5万美元。项目                                                                              负责人(PI)

二:期刊杂志文章(Journal Publication):
发表学术论文100余篇。其中SCI文章总影响因子超过650(ISI, JCR Version 2019),被SCI杂志他引数超过16500次,被Google Scholar 被引数超过24200次(包括 Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, JAMA, BMJ, PLoS Medicine, JCI, Circulation, Lancet Neurology, Nature Genetics等)。7篇论文被国际主流媒体报道,6篇论文被杂志编辑部赋予“社论”,6篇论文分别被MDLinx 和 Faculty 1000推荐(有重复)。

( I )  国际期刊文章 (International Journal Publication)

1)Q Sun, D Guo, S Li, Y Xu, M Jiang, Y Li, H Duan, W Zhuo, W Liu, S Zhu, L Wang, T Zhou (2021). Combining gene expression signature with clinical features for survival stratification of gastric cancer. Genomics. 113:2683-2694.

2)S Ni, L Wang, G Wang, J Lin, Y Ma, X Zhao, Y Ru, W Zheng, X Zhang, S Zhu* (2020). Drinking tea before menopause is associated with higher bone mineral density in postmenopausal women. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (Accepted)

3)Y Ru#, NL Wang#, Y Min, XM Wang, V McGurie, M Duan, XC Xu, XY Zhao, YH Wu, Y Lu, AW Hsing*, S Zhu* (2020). Characterization of dietary patterns and assessment of their relationships with metabolomic profiles: a community-based study. Clinical Nutrition. 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clnu.2020.12.006.

4)X Zhao, W Lin, S Cen, H Zhu, M Duan, W L*, S Zhu* (2020). The booming online-to-offline (O2O) food delivery industry and its recent development in China. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. (Accepted)

5)Y Min#,  X Zhao#, RS Stafford, X Ma, S Chen, D Gan, C Wei, C Huang, L Chen, P Gao, F Yang, SJ Winter, Y Wu, CA Heaney, M Baiocchi, JPA Ioannidis, AW Hsing, S Zhu* (2020). Cohort Profile: Well living laboratory in China (WELL-China). International Journal of Epidemiology. 1-8, DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyaa283.

6)S Zhu* (2020). Development of nutrition studies in China (Editorial). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1-2, DOI: 10.1038/s41430-020-00793-2.

7)S Han, P Wu, M Duan, F Yang, W He, N Wu, X Hu, D Gan, G Wang, M Yang, W Wang, Z Meng*, S Zhu* (2020). The crosstalk between platelets and body fat: a reverse translational research. Clinical Nutrition. 19:S0261-5614(20)30479-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2020.09.023.

8)X Zhao, X Xu, X Li, Y Yang, S Zhu* (2020). Emerging trends of technology-based dietary assessment: a perspective study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. DOI: 10.1038/s41430-020-00779-0. 

9)X Zhao, L Cheng, C Zhu, S Cen, W Lin, W Zheng, M Yang, F Yang, S Zhu* (2020). A double-edged sword: the association of daytime napping duration and metabolism-related diseases in a Chinese population. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. DOI: 10.1038/s41430-020-00777-2. 

10)P Mukherjee, M Cintra, C Huang, M Zhou, S Zhu, AD Colevas, N Fischbein, O Gevaert (2020). CT-based radiomic signatures for predicting histopathological features in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Radiology: Imaging Cancer. 2(3):e190039. https://doi.org/10.1148/rycan.2020190039.

11)D Gan# , L Wang#, M Jia, Y Ru, Y Ma, W Zheng, X Zhao, F Yang, T Wang, Y Mu, S Zhu* (2020). Low muscle mass and low muscle strength associate with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Nutrition. 1-7, DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2019.04.023.

12)X Zhang#, L Chen#, XM Wang, XY Wang, M Jia, S Ni, W He, S Zhu* (2020). Changes in maternal age and prevalence of congenital anomalies during the anactment of China’s universal two-child policy (2013-2017) in Zhejiang Province, China: an observational study. PLoS Medicine. 1-19, 17(2):e1003047.

13)MJ Soares, MJ Muller, HBC Mafferis, A Misra, G Muscogiuri, S Muthayya, P Newsholme, T Wolever, S Zhu (2019). Conflict of interest in nutrition research: an editorial perspective. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 73:1213-1215.

14)C Huang#, M Cintra#, K Brennan, M Zhou, AD Colevas, N Fischbein, S Zhu*, Olivier Gevaert* (2019). Development and validation of radiomic models identifying head and neck squamous cell carcinoma molecular subtypes. EBioMedicine. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2019.06.034.

15)M Maimaiti, X Ma, X Zhao, M Jia, J Li, M Yang, Y Ru, F Yang, N Wang, S Zhu* (2019). Multiplicity and complexity of food environment in China: full-scale field census of food outlets in a typical district. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1-12, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41430-019-0462-5.

16)C Huang, Q Yao, H Han, S Zhu*, S Zhou* (2019). A 3D universal U-net for multi-domain medical image segmentation. In: Shen D. et al. (eds) Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11765. Springer, Cham. pp 291-299. MICCAI. Early Accept. (EI 收录)

17)JC Hsing, MH Nguyen, B Yang, Y Min, SS Han, E Pung, S Winter, X Zhao, D Gan, AW Hsing, S Zhu*, CJ Wang* (2019). Associations between body fat, muscle mass, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A population-based study. Hepatology Communications. 1-12, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.1392.

18)X Yu#, H Guo#, X Liu, G Wang, Y Min, S Chen, S Han, RT Chang, X Zhao, AW Hsing, S Zhu*, K Yao* (2019). Dry eye and sleep quality: a large community-based study in Hangzhou. Sleep. 1-8, DOI: 10.1093/sleep/asa160.

19)Y Min#, X Ma#, K Sankaran, Y Ru, L Chen, M Baiocchi*, S Zhu* (2019). Sex-specific association between gut microbiome and fat distribution. Nature Communications. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10440-5.
20)C Wei, S Ye, Y Ru, D Gan, W Zheng, C Huang, L Chen, P Gao, J Li, M Yang, F Yang, X Zhao, S Zhu* (2019). Cohort profile: The Lanxi Cohort study on obesity and obesity-related non-communicable diseases in China. BMJ-Open. 9:e025257:1-9. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025257.

21)H Wu, F Bragg, L Yang, H Du, Y Guo, CA Jackson, S Zhu, C Yu, AOY Luk, JCN Chan, D Gasevic, L Li, Z Chen, SH Wild (2019). Sex differences in the association between socioeconomic status and diabetes prevalence and incidence in China: cross-sectional and prospective studies of 0.5 million adults. Diabetologia. 62:1420-1429.

22)C Wei, S Ye, JR Sheng, X Ma, Y Ru, L Zhang, H Guo, S Zhu* (2019). Associations of nicotine dependence and fat distribution in Chinese male adults: a cross-sectional study in Lanxi, China. BMJ-Open. 0:e022465:1-9. DOI:10.1136/bmjopen-2018-022465.

23)J Lin, L Chen, S Ni, Y Ru, S Ye, X Fu, D Gan, J Li, L Zhang, S Han, S Zhu* (2019). Association between sleep quality and bone mineral density in Chinese women vary by age and menopausal status. Sleep Medicine. 53:75-80. (Online 17 October 2018) 

24)S Han# , D Gan# , G Wang, Y Ru, C Huang, J Lin, L Zhang, Z Meng, S Zhu* (2018). Associations of platelet indices with body fat mass and fat distribution. Obesity. 26:1637-1643.

25)S Ye, C Zhu, C Wei, M Yang, W Zheng, D Gan, S Zhu* (2018). Associations of body composition with blood pressure and hypertension. Obesity. 26:1644-1650.

26)M Maimaiti#, X Zhao#, M Jia, Y Ru, S Zhu* (2018). How we eat determines what we become: opportunities and challenges brought by food delivery industry in a changing world in China. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 72:1282-1286.

27)H Guo, L Zhang, C Zhu, F Yang, S Wang, S Zhu, X Ma (2017). A single nucleotide polymorphism in the FADS1 gene is associated with plasma fatty acid and lipid profiles and might explain gender difference in body fat distribution. Lipids in Health and Disease. 16(1):67. DOI: 10.1186/s12944-017-0459-9.

28)X Ma, Y Zhang, Q Ji, Y Xing, H Pan, S Chen, J Tang*, S Zhu* (2017). Diagnostic criteria for diabetes in China: are we pushing too much beyond evidence? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1-4. DOI: 10.1038/ejcn.2017.51.

29)T He, Z Yang, T Liu, Y Shen, X Fu, X Qian, Y Zhang, Y Wang, Z Xu, S Zhu, C Mao, G Xu, J Tang (2016). Ambient air pollution and years of life lost in Ningbo, China. Scientific Reports, 6:22485. DOI: 10.1038/srep22485.

30)M Yang, J Lin, X Ma, C Zhu, C Wei, L Wang, J Jiao, S Zhu* (2016). Truncal and leg fat associations with metabolic risk factors among Chinese adults. Asian-Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25(4):798-809.

31)N Dhurandhar, D Schoeller, A Brown, S Heymsfield, D Thomas, TIA Sorensen, JR Speakman, M Jeansonne, D Allison and Energy Balance Measurement Working Group (including S Zhu) (2015). Energy balance measurement: when something is not better than nothing. [Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural]. International Journal of Obesity (Lond), 39(7), 1109-1113. DOI: 10.1038/ijo.2014.199.

32)M Forouzanfar, L Alexander, H Anderson, V Bachman. …… S Zhu, ……C Murray (2015). Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks in 188 countries, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet, DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(15)00128-2.

33)S Wang, J Crandell, S Couch,.…… S Zhu, E Mayer-Davis (2015). Plasma nutrient biomarkers are associated with waist-to-height ratio in youth with type 1 diabetes. [Multicenter Study Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't]. Journal of Nutrition, 145(3), 579-586. DOI: 10.3945/jn.114.203133.

34)J Jiao, Q Li, J Chu, W Zeng, M Yang, S Zhu* (2015). Letter to the Editor (corresponding article: A meta-analysis is suited to nullify the effects of n-3 PUFAs on cognitive function. DOI: 10.3945/ajcn. 114.103671). Reply to Limitations of the review and meta-analysis of the role of n-3 long-chain PUFA supplementation and cognitive function. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(6), 1306-1307.

35)J Jiao, Q Li, J Chu, W Zeng, M Yang, S Zhu* (2015). Letter to the Editor (corresponding article: A meta-analysis is suited to nullify the effects of n-3 PUFAs on cognitive function. DOI: 10.3945/ajcn. 114.103671). Reply to RA Murphy and R Winwood. American Journal of Clinic Nutrition. 101(3):687. DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.114.103762.

36)W He, Q Li, M Yang, J Jiao, X Ma, Y Zhou, A Song, S Heymsfield, S Zhang, S Zhu* (2015). Lower BMI cutoffs to define overweight and obesity in China. Obesity. 1-8 DOI:10.1002/oby.20995.
该论文被MDLinx选为Featured Article

37)M Naghavi, H Wang, R Lozano, A Davis …… S Zhu, ……T Vos, A Lopez, C Murray (2015). Global, regional, and national age-sex specific all-cause and cause-specific mortality for 240 causes of death, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 385:117-171 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)61682-2.

38)J Jiao, Q Li, J Chu, W Zeng, M Yang, S Zhu* (2014). Effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on cognitive function throughout the lifespan from infancy to old age: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. American Journal of Clinic Nutrition. 100:1-15 DOI:10.3945/ajcn.114.095315.
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39)M Ng, T Fleming, M Robinson, ……S Zhu, AD Lopez, CJL Murray, E Gakidou (2014). Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980—2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 1-20 DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60460-8 (Published online May 29, 2014)

40)X Fu, F Zhu, X Zhao, X Ma, S Zhu* (2014). Central fat accumulation associated with metabolic risks beyond total fat in normal BMI Chinese adults. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism. 64:93-100.

41)H Wang, CA Liddell, MM Coates, …… S Zhu, AD Lopez, CJL Murray (2014). Global, regional, and national levels of neonatal, infant, and under-5 mortality during 1990-2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. Lancet. 1-23 http://dx.DOI.org/ 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60497-9 (Published online May 2, 2014)

42)S Ye, A Song, M Yang, X Ma, X Fu, S Zhu* (2014). Duration of television viewing and bone mineral density in Chinese women. Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism. 32(3):324-330.
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43)X Fu, A Song, R Zhou, X Ma, J Jiao, M Yang, S Zhu* (2013). Association of regional body fat with metabolic risks in Chinese women. Public Health Nutrition. 1-9. DOI:10.1017/S1368980013002668.

44)X Ma, R Griffin, G McGwin, D Allison, S B Heymsfield, W He, S Zhu* (2013). Effectiveness of booster seats compared with no restraint or seat belt alone for crash injury prevention. Academic Emergency Medicine. 20:880-887.
[编辑部社论] Editorial Commentary: Mary Pat McKay. Studying kids in motor vehicle crashes is tough. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2013; 20: 927-8.

45)M Jin, B Chen, Y Mao, Y Zhu, Y Yu, Y Wu, M Zhang, S Zhu, K Chen (2013). Prevalence of overweight and obesity and their associations with socioeconomic status in a rural Han Chinese adult population. PLoS ONE. 8(11): 1-9 e79946. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0079946

46)X Hu, J Gao, Q Zhang, Y Fu, K Li, S Zhu, D Li (2013). Soy fiber improves weight loss and lipid profile in overweight and obese adults: A randomized controlled trial. Mol Nutr Food Res. 57:2147-2154 (Published online 2013 Jul 23. DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201300159).

47)W He, S Zhang, A Song, M Yang, J Jiao, DB Allison, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu* (2013). Greater abdominal fat accumulation is associated with higher metabolic risk in Chinese than in white people: An ethnicity study. PLoS ONE. 8(3):1-8 e58688. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0058688.

48)X Ma and S Zhu* (2013). Metabolic syndrome in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes – Still a matter of debate? European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1-4. DOI:10.1038/ejcn.2013.24.

49)X Zhao, Z Wang,* J Zhang, J Hua, W He, S Zhu* (2013). Estimation of total body skeletal muscle mass in Chinese adults: Prediction model by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. PLoS ONE 8:1-10 e53561. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0053561.

50)JE Kim, I Kim, P Shum, A Shih, F Pintar, W Shen, X Ma, P Laud, SB Heymsfield, DB Allison, S Zhu (2012). A computational study of injury severity and pattern sustained by overweight drivers in frontal motor vehicle crashes. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin 1-13. DOI:10.1080/10255842.2012. 728589

51)X Ma, P Layde, S Zhu* (2012). Association between child restraint system use and injury in motor vehicle crashes. Academic Emergency Medicine 19;1-8.

52)X Fu, X Zhao, H Lu, F Jiang, X Ma, S Zhu* (2011). Association between sleep duration and bone mineral density among Chinese women. Bone 1-5 DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2011.08.008. 

53)H Lu, X Fu, X Ma, Z Wu, W He, Z Wang, D Allison, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu* (2011). Relationships of percent body fat and percent trunk fat with bone mineral density among Chinese, black and white subjects. Osteoporosis International 1-7. DOI: 10.1007/s00198-010-1522-9. 

54)X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, J Kim, A Shih, SB Heymsfield, DB Allison, S Zhu* (2011). Obesity and non-fatal motor vehicle crash injuries – Sex different effects. International Journal of Obesity 35;1216-1224. DOI: 10.1038/ijo.2010.270. 
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55)W He, F Zhu, X Ma, M Zhen, Z Chen, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu* (2011). Actinic skin damage and mortality - the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Epidemiologic Follow-Up Study. PLoS ONE 6;1-9. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019907. 

56)S Zhu*, Z Wang* (2011). Body composition: Clinical implications and biological diversities (Preface for the supplement of IBC 2011 abstract book) International Journal of Obesity 35 (supplement2):1-3. 

57)S Zhu*, X Ma, J Tang (2011). What is the optimal body mass index for Chinese? (Commentary, 述评)  Canadian Medical Association Journal 183;645-646 DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.110142. 
此述评被 加拿大,亚洲,欧洲等媒体报道

58)X Fu, X Ma, H Lu, W He, Z Wang, S Zhu* (2011). Associations of fat mass and fat distribution with bone mineral density in pre- and postmenopausal Chinese women. Osteoporosis International. 22;113-119 (Published online in April 2010: DOI 10.1007/s00198-010-1210-9). 
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59)S Zhu*, J Kim, X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, W Shen, SB Heymsfield, DB Allison (2010). BMI and risk of serious upper body injury following motor vehicle crashes: Concordance of real-world and computer-simulated observations. PLoS Medicine 7(3):1-13 e1000250. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000250. 
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[编辑部社论] Editorial: PLoS Editors: V Barbour, J Clark, S Jones, L Peiperl, E Veitch. Preventing road deaths – Time for data. PLoS Medicine. 2010; 7(3): 1-2.

60)S Li, S Zhu, X Jin, C Yan, S Wu, F Jiang, X Shen (2010). Risk factors associated with short sleep duration among Chinese school-aged children. Sleep Medicine 11:907-916. 

61)Z Wang, SB Heymsfield, Z Chen, S Zhu, R Pierson (2010). Body Fat Mass Estimation by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry: Evaluation by In Vivo Human Elemental Composition. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 55: 2619-2635.

62)F Jiang, S Zhu, C Yan, X Jin, H Bandla, X Shen (2009). Sleep and obesity in preschool children. Journal of Pediatrics 154:814-818. 

63)R Hanrahan, P Layde, S Zhu, C Guse, S Hargarten (2009). The association of driver age with traffic injury severity in Wisconsin. Traffic Injury Prevention 10:361-367.

64)MD Melzer-Lange, C Van Thatcher, J Liu, S Zhu (2007). Urban community characteristics and adolescent assault victims. Wisconsin Medical Journal 106:394-396. 

65)S Pan, S Hargarten, S Zhu* (2007). School bus and children's traffic safety. Chinese Journal of Traumatology 10:250-256. 

66)S Allen, S Zhu, C Sauter, P Layde, S Hargarten (2006).  A comprehensive statewide analysis of seatbelt non-use with injury and hospital admissions: New data, old problem. Academic Emergency Medicine 13:427-434. 
此论文被 纽约时报,路透社,创新报道,今日医学新闻, The Journal Times, News 24, 等报道

67)K Heng, S Hargarten, A Craven, P Layde, S Zhu* (2006). Moderate alcohol intake and motor vehicle crashes and – The conflict between health advantage and at-risk use. Alcohol & Alcoholism 41:451-454. 

68)K Heng, A Lee, S Zhu, K Tham, K Seow (2006). Helmet use and bicycle-related trauma presenting to an acute hospital in Singapore. Singapore Medical Journal 47:367-372. 
[编辑部社论] Editorial: Ooi S B S and Lau P T C. Bicycle protection laws in Singapore: are more    compelling data still needed? Singapore Medical Journal 2006; 47: 357-358.

69)S Zhu*, PM Layde, C Guse, PW Laud, F Pintar, S Hargarten (2006). Obesity and risk for death due to motor vehicle crashes. American Journal of Public Health 96:734-739. 
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70)C Sauter, S Zhu, S Allen, S Hargarten, P Layde (2005). Unhelmeted motorcycle riders have an increased risk of death and disability. Wisconsin Medical Journal 104: 39-44. 

71)S Zhu*, SB Heymsfield, H Toyoshima, Z Wang, A Pietrobelli, S Heshka (2005). Race-ethnicity specific waist circumference cutoff points for identifying cardiovascular disease risk factors. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 81:409-415. 
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72)S Zhu*, MP St-Onge. S Heshka, SB Heymsfield (2004). Lifestyle behaviors associated with lower risk of having the metabolic syndrome. Metabolism 53:1505-1513. 

73)S Zhu*, S Heshka, Z Wang, W Shen, DB Allison, R Ross, SB Heymsfield (2004). Combination of body-mass index and waist circumference for predicting metabolic risk factors in whites. Obesity (Obesity Research) 12:633-645. 

74)YW Park, S Zhu, SB Heymsfield, S Heshka (2003). Reply to ‘The metabolic syndrome: All criteria are equal, but some criteria are more equal than others’. Archives of Internal Medicine 163:2788. 

75)K Tamakoshi, H Yatsuya, T Kondo, Y Hori, H Zhang, M Ishikawa, C Murata, R Otsuka, S Zhu, T Yoshida, H Toyoshima (2003). Long-term body weight variability is associated with elevated C-reactive protein independent of current body mass index among Japanese men. International Journal of Obesity 27:1059-1065. 

76)H Yatsuya, K Tamakoshi, T Yoshida, Y Hori, HM Zhang, M Ishikawa, S Zhu, T Kondo, H Toyoshima (2003). The association between weight fluctuation and fasting insulin concentration in Japanese men. International Journal of Obesity 27: 478-483.

77)S Zhu*, ZM Wang, W Shen, SB Heymsfield, S Heshka (2003). Percent body fat: Adult ranges associated with metabolic syndrome risk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78:228-235.
[编辑部社论] Editorial: George L Blackburn. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: Where nutrition meets medicine for the benefit of health. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2003; 78: 197-198.

78)K Tamakoshi, H Yatsuya, T Kondo, Y Hori, M Ishikawa, H Zhang, C Murata, R Otsuka, S Zhu, H Toyoshima (2003). The metabolic syndrome is associated with elevated circulating C-reactive protein in health reference range, a systemic low-grade inflammatory state. International Journal of Obesity 27: 443-449. 

79)K Tamakoshi, H Yatsuya, T Kondo, Y Hori, H Zhang, M Ishikawa, C Murata, R Otsuka, S Zhu, H Toyoshima (2003). U-shaped association between white blood cell count and fasting plasma glucose level. Diabetes Care 26:950.

80)Y Park, S Zhu, L Palaniappan, S Heshka, MR Carnethon, SB Heymsfield (2003). The metabolic syndrome: prevalence and associated risk factors – Findings in the US population from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994. Archives of Internal Medicine 163:427-436. 
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[编辑部社论] Editorial: James O. Hill. What to do about the metabolic syndrome? Archives of Internal Medicine 2003; 164: 395-397.

81)M Heo, DB Allison, MS Myles, S Zhu, KR Fontaine (2003). Obesity and health-related quality of life: the potential mediating effects of joint pain and comorbidities. Obesity (Obesity Research) 11:209-216. 

82)W Shen, ZM Wang, H Tang, S Heshka, M Punyanita, S Zhu, J Lei, SB Heymsfield (2003). Volume estimates derived in vivo by imaging methods: Model comparisons with visible woman as the reference. Obesity (Obesity Research) 11:217-225.

83)S Zhu, MS Heo, M Plankey, M Faith, DB Allison (2003). Associations of body mass index and anthropometric indicators of fat mass and fat free mass with all-cause mortality among women in the First and Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I & II) follow-up studies. Annals of Epidemiology 13:286-293. 

84)Y Hori, H Toyoshima, T Kondo, K Tamakoshi, H Yatsuya, S Zhu, T Kawamura, J Toyama, N Okamoto (2003). Gender and age differences in lifestyle factors related to hypertension in middle-aged civil service employees. Journal of Epidemiology 13:38-47. 

85)Z Wang, S Zhu, DP Kotler, SB Heymsfield (2003). Whole-body skeletal mass: Development and validation of total-body potassium prediction models. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77:76-82. 

86)B Laferrere, S Zhu, JR Clarkson, MRM Yoshioka, ABS Funkhouser, JC Thornton and FX Pi-Sunyer (2002). Quality of life in obese women – Effect of race, menopausal status and weight loss. Obesity (Obesity Research) 10:1270-1275. 

87)S Zhu, Z Wang, S Heshka, M Heo, M Faith, SB Heymsfield (2002). Waist circumference and obesity-associated risk factors among Caucasians in NHANES III: clinical action thresholds. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 76:743-749. 
此论文被 洛杉矶时报,美国在线(AOL),雅虎新闻,Medrants, Medscape, Health Canada, 欧洲,德国,俄国,等报道
[编辑部社论] Editorial: Michael J Lean and Thang S Han. Waist worries. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 76: 699-700.

88)H Sakakibara, J Lou, S Zhu, M Hirata, M Abe (2002). Autonomic nervous activity during hand immersion in cold water in patients with vibration-induced white finger. Industrial Health 40:254-259. 

89)DB. Allison, J.R. Fernandez, M. Heo, S. Zhu, C. Etzel, C.I. Amos (2002). Bias in QTL effect estimates in genome scans: demonstration of the phenomenon and a method-of-moments procedure for reducing bias. American Journal of Human Genetics 70:575-585. 

90)DB Allison, S Zhu, M Plankey, M Faith, M Heo (2002). Differential associations of body mass index and adiposity with all-cause mortality among men in the First and Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES I & NHANES II) follow-up studies. International Journal of Obesity 26:410-416. 

91)S Zhu, H Toyoshima, T Kondo, K Tamakoshi, H Yatsuya, Y Tsubono, Y Nishino, I Tsuji, S Hisamich (2002). Reliability of information on previous illness and family history as compared with that on smoking and drinking habits in questionnaire surveys. Journal of Epidemiology 12:120-125. 

92)M Uchiyama, T Kondo, Y Tsuzuki, S Zhu, K Tamakoshi, H Sakakibara, S Uchiyama, H Toyoshima (2001). Difference in the occurrence of cardiovascular events according to class of antihypertensive agent, based on a follow-up study of Japanese hypertension patients. Japanese Heart Journal 42:585-595. 

93)S Zhu, T Kondo, H Sakakibara, K Tamakoshi, K Miyanishi, N Seki, N Tanabe, H Toyoshima (2000). Influence of life-related factors and participation in health examination on mortality in a 4.5-year follow-up of a rural cohort. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 5:66-71.

94)J Luo, H Sakakibara, S Zhu, T Kondo, H Toyoshima (2000). Effect of vibration magnitude and repetitive exposure on finger blood flow in healthy subjects. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 73: 281-284.

95)S Zhu*, H Sakakibara, S Yamada (1997). Combined effects of hand-arm vibration and noise on temporary threshold shifts of hearing in healthy subjects. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 69:433-436. 

96)H Sakakibara, M Hirata, T Hashiguchi, N Toibana, H Koshiyama, S Zhu, et al. (1996). Digital sensory nerve conduction velocity and vibration perception threshold in peripheral neurological test for hand-arm vibration syndrome. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 30:219-224. 

97)H Sakakibara, S Zhu, M Fukuta, T Kondo, M Miyao, S Yamada, H Toyoshima (1996). Knee pain and its association with age, sex, obesity, occupation and living conditions in rural inhabitants of Japan. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine 1:114-118. 

98)H Sakakibara, M Hirata, T Hashiguchi, N Toibana, H Koshiyama, S Zhu, S Yamada (1995). Digital nerve conduction velocity for evaluation of peripheral nerve impairments in vibration syndrome. Center Europe Journal of Public Health 3:52-53. 

99)S Zhu, H Sakakibara, T Kondo, M Miyao, S Yamada (1993). Analysis of various factors affecting vibration-induced white finger. Industrial Health 31: 171-174.

( II )国内期刊文章(Domestic Journal Publication):

100)颜虹,庄贵华,任涛,马乐,姜庆五,胡永华,孟庆跃,党少农,剑群,王学良,闫吕毅,郑志杰,朱善宽,蒋育红,徐东,李立明 (2020). 我国设置公共卫生博士专业学位势在必行. 中华医学教育杂志 40 (4):248-251.

101)马晓光,马岳峰,朱善宽* (2009). 中国灾难医学现状及发展策略 (in Chinese). 中华急诊医学杂志 18:1005-1008.

102)何威, 马晓光, 高树晓, 潘署明, 马岳峰, 朱善宽* (2009). 儿童安全座椅:让交通事故中的儿童更安全 (in Chinese). 中华急诊医学杂志 18:568-571.

103)朱善宽* (2008). 建立我国城镇交通伤害监测系统的试验模型(述评)(in Chinese) 中华急诊医学杂志 17:456-458.

104)S Zhu*, X. Ma, K Heng (2007). Is injury predictable and preventable? 中华急诊医学杂志 16:1013-1016.

105)C Woolf, K Heng, P Layde, S Zhu* (2006). Elderly and motor vehicle crashes. 中华急诊医学杂志 15:6-12.

106)S Pan, E Chen, S Zhu, P Layde, R Pirrallo, S Hargarten (2005). Epidemiological study on road traffic injury in China. 中华急诊医学杂志14:709-714.

107)J Luo, H Sakakibara, S Zhu (1999). Autonomic Nervous Response to Cold Provocation in Vibration-Induced White Finger (VWF) Patients with HRV Analysis. Space Medicine & Medical Engineering 12: #1-5. 

108)李鲁,朱善宽 (1998). 中国人口老龄化和老年人的健康保健问题及对策 (in Chinese). 卫生经济研究 116:14-16.

*: Corresponding author (通讯作者). 

三:国家或国际会议摘要(National or International Conference Abstract): 


1)Chen, Lijin; Zhang, Xiaohui; Yang, Zhiying; Shi, Xieli; Wang, Xiaoyan; Zhu, Shankuan. Birth defects risk factors: a multi-centered case-control study in eastern China. The 6th World Congress of the International Society for Fertility Preservation (ISFP). November 14–16, 2019. New York, NY.

2)Meng Duan, He Gao, Fei Yang, Shankuan Zhu, Identification of Transcriptomes from Brown Adipose Tissue based on Differentially Expressed Genes in Differential Weight Gain Mice after High Fat Diet. 6th International Conference on Obesity and Chronic Diseases 2020, Oral Presentation.

3)M Jia, X Zhao (co-first author), Maimaiti  M, Y Min, A Hsing, S Zhu. Distribution of Unprocessed Fresh Food Stores and its Relationship With Body Fat. ObesityWeek 2019, November 2019, Las Vegas, America. (poster)

4)F Yang, G Wang (co-first author), M Duan, S  Han, D Gan, S Zhu. Macrophage of adipose tissue inhibits adipocyte differentation via Fas signaling reducing Akt in obeisty. Obesity Week 2019, November 2019, Las Vegas, America. (poster)

5)X Wang, Y  Ru (co-first author), N  Wang, Y  Yang, X  Zhao, Y  Min, A  Hsing, S  Zhu. Diet and depression risk – a large population-based study in Hangzhou. Obesity Week 2019, November 2019, Las Vegas, America. (poster) 

6)F  Yang, M  Duan (co-first author),G  Wang, X  Zhuo, S  Zhu. Adipocyte Fas Signaling Promotes Meta-Inflammation in Obesity Through Its Interaction With Bmx. The Asian Congress of Nutrition 2019(ACN2019).Aug2019, Bali, Indonesia.(Oral) 

7)Y  Ru, N  Wang, X  Wang, X  Zhao, Y  Min, A  Hsing, S  Zhu. Diet high in alcohol impacts the gut microbiota and associated metabolome. ASN Nutrition 2019, Jun 2019, Baltimore, USA. (poster)

8)X  Zhao, L  Cheng, C  Zhu, S  Zhu.  A double-edged sword: the relationship between daytime napping duration and metabolism-related diseases. International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Nov 2018 Santiago, Chile.(Oral) 

9)M  Maimaiti, X  Zhao, M  Jia,, S  Zhu.Multiplicity and complexity of food environment in China –findings from a full-scale field census of food outlets in a typical city of China. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, June 2018,  Hong Kong, China.(Oral)

10)S  Ye, X  Ma, C  Wei, D  Gan, S  Zhu. Handgrip strength was associated with bone mineral density independent of lean body mass among Chinese adults. The 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA), World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2017), Sonic City in Saitama, Japan on August 19-22, 2017. (Poster).

11)X  Ma, H  Guo, L Wang, L  Zhang, G  Wang, S  Ni, S. Zhu. Interaction of sleep duration and daytime napping on body composition: a population-based cross-sectional survey in China. The 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA), World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2017), August 2017, Sonic city, Saitama, Japan. (poster)

12)C  Zhu, S  Ni (co-first author), X  Ma, C  Huang, L  Wang, D  Gan, L  Zhang, S  Zhu. A Prediction Model Based on Body Composition Parameters for Type 2 Diabetes Screening in Chinese Adults. The 21st International Epidemiological Association (IEA), World Congress of Epidemiology (WCE2017), August 2017, Sonic city, Saitama, Japan. (oral)

13)L  Wang, X  Ma, C  Zhu, L  Zhang, S  Zhu. The association between brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and body composition and metabolic profile among Chinese adults. 13th International Congress on Obesity, May 2016, Vancouver, BC, Canada. (Poster)

14)X  Ma, L  Zhang (co-first author), H  Guo, S  Zhu. The Association between Health-related Quality of Life and Body Composition Indicators among Chinese Adults. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, June 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. (Poster)

15)S  Wang, C  Zhu, S  Zhong, SC Couch, X  Ma, CM Shay, L  Chen, S  Zhu. Circulating omega-6 fatty acids, desaturase activities and risk of type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. The 12th Congress of the international society for the study of fatty acids and lipids, June 2016, Stellenbosch, South Africa. (Poster)

16)J  Jiao, S  Zhu. Comprehensive association between plasma phospholipid fatty acids and body subcutaneous-to-visceral adipose tissue distribution in normal weight and overweight populations. The 12th National Nutrition Conference, May 2015, Beijing.

17)J  Jiao, S  Zhu. n-6 Fatty acids instead of n-3 and saturated fatty acids correlate with body fat distribution from subcutaneous adipose tissue to visceral adipose tissue in healthy and overweight subjects. American Society for Nutrition’s 2015 Annual Meeting, Mar.28-Apr.1, 2015 Boston, MA.

18)S Ye, W  He, Y  Zhou, A  Song, S  Zhang, X  Zhao, S  Zhu. Associations of Television Watching and/or Internet Using Time With Bone Mineral Density in Chinese Adults. The Obesity Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, Sept. 20-24, 2012 San Antonio, Texas. (Poster presentation)

19)S Zhang, Y Zhou, L Wang, S Zhu. Associations of Skeletal Muscle Mass With Prediabetes in Chinese Adults. The Obesity Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, Sept. 20-24, 2012 San Antonio, Texas. (Poster presentation)

20)S Zhang, W He, S Ye, A Song, S Zhang, S Zhu. Influence of Parity on Bone Mineral Density in Pre- and Postmenopausal Chinese Women. The Obesity Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, Sept. 20-24, 2012 San Antonio, Texas. (Poster presentation)

21)A Song, S Ye, X Zhao, S Zhang, S Zhu. Comparisons of Percent Body Fat Derived by Existing Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Equations with DEXA in Chinese Adults. The Obesity Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, Sept. 20-24, 2012 San Antonio, Texas. (Poster presentation)

22)X  Zhao, Z  Wang, S  Zhu. Associations of Visceral and Intermuscular Adipose Tissue with CVD Risk Factors in Chinese Adults. The Obesity Society’s 2012 Annual Meeting, Sept. 20-24, 2012 San Antonio, Texas. (Poster presentation)

23)X Zhao, X Fu, S Ye, W He and S Zhu. Sarcopenic Obesity: Prevalence and Association with Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Adults. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

24)S Ye, W He, X Zhao, X Fu and S Zhu. Fat Mass Are Positively Associated with Absolute Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Girls – Results from NHANES 1999-2004. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

25)W He, S Ye, X Fu, Z Wang, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu. Fat Mass and Fat Distribution: Adjusted BMI Cutoffs for Chinese Adults. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

26)F Zhu, X Fu, W He, X Zhao and S Zhu. Associations of Fat and Fat Distribution with Metabolic Risks in Normal Weight Chinese. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

27)X Fu, X Ma, F Zhu, H Lu and S Zhu. Validity of Direct Adiposity Measures in Predicting Metabolic Risks as Compared to Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index in Chinese Men and Women. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

28)W He, X Zhao, F Zhu and S Zhu. Waist Circumference Cutoffs for Identifying Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Chinese Adults. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

29)X Zhao, X Fu, W He and S Zhu. Sleep Duration Associated with a Higher Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Chinese Men. International Journal of Obesity. Abstract of the 9th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, May 21-24, 2011 Hangzhou, China.

30)S Zhu, W He, H Lu, S Gao, Z Wang. Waist circumference cutoffs for identifying metabolic risk factors in Chinese adults. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

31)H Lu, X Fu, W He, S Gao, Z Wang, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu. Trunk fat and metabolic risk factors: influence of ethnicity. Abstract for the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

32)X Fu, H Lu, W He, S Gao, Z Wang, S Zhu. Associations between body composition and bone density in Chinese adults. Abstract for the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

33)X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, W Shen, J Kim, A Shih, D Allison, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu. Obesity and Non-fatal Injury in Motor Vehicle Crashes. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

34)S Zhu, X Ma, P Laud, F Pintar, W Shen, J Kim, A Shih, SB Heymsfield, D Allison. Obesity and Regional Body Injury in Motor Vehicle Crashes. Abstract of the 27thAnnual Scientific Meeting of The Obesity Society. Oct 25, 2009. Washington, DC.

35)Z Wang, FX Pi-Sunyer, SB Heymsfield, S Zhu, C Zhao, RN Pierson.  Soft-Tissue R Values in Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA): Validation by Human Elemental Composition. Abstract of the annual meeting of The Obesity Society (TOS), October, 2008 Arizona, US.

36)S Zhu, Z Wang, H Lu, C Shan, S Gao, W He, J Wang. Human body composition research in China. Abstract of the 8th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, July 9-12, 2008 New York, NY.

37)S Zhu, X Ma, W Shen, E McGinley, P Laud. Does body composition play a role in motor vehicle injury? Abstract of the 8th International Symposium on In Vivo Body Composition Studies, July 9-12, 2008 New York, NY.

38)R Hanrahan, S. Zhu, C Guse, P Layde, S Hargarten. The effect of driver age and contributing factors on injury severity amongst drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes in Wisconsin. 2007 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference (CDC), Oct 10-11, 2007 Columbus, OH.

39)K  Heng, A Lee, KY Tham, S  Zhu, E Seow. Helmet use and bicycle-related trauma in patients presenting to an acute hospital in Singapore. Submitted to the 8th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. May 2006, South Africa.

40)S  Zhu, R Nirula, Y Narayan, K Brasel, S Hargarten and P Layde. Body mass index associated with injury severity in motor vehicle crashes. Abstract of 2005 National Injury Prevention and Control Conference (CDC), May 8-11, 2005 Denver. (Poster presentation)

41)S Zhu, P Layde, C Guse, PM Laud, F Pintar, S Hargarten. Obesity and risk of death in motor vehicle crashes. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity and American Diabetes Association, Las Vegas, NV. Obesity Research 2004; 12(suppl): A10. (Oral presentation)

42)S Zhu, SB Heymsfield, H Toyoshima, Z Wang, A Pietrobelli and S Heshka. Race-ethnicity specific waist circumference cutoff points for identifying obesity-related risk factors. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity and American Diabetes Association, Las Vegas, NV. Obesity Research 2004; 12(suppl): A194. (Poster presentation)

43)S Zhu, P Layde, C Guse, PM Laud, S Hargarten. Motor vehicle fatality: Risk associated with height, weight and body mass index. Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association, November 2004, Washington DC. (Oral presentation)

44)S Zhu, P Layde, and S Hargarten. Motor vehicle fatality: Risk associated with obesity. The 30th International Traffic Records Forum, July 25 – 28, 2004, TN. (Oral presentation)

45)S Zhu, S Heshka, SB Heymsfield. The power of height in a weight/height quotient that best predicts cardiovascular disease risk. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, Washington DC. FASEB Journal 2004; 18(suppl). (Poster presentation)

46)S Heshka, S Zhu, and K Miller-Kovach. Predictive value of motivation scales for weight loss. Annual Meeting of North American Association for Study Obesity, Florida. Obesity Research 2003; 11: A103 S

47)S Zhu, M-P St-Onge, S Heshka, SB Heymsfield. Associations of physical activity with metabolic syndrome by BMI category. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A2. (Oral presentation)

48)W Shen, S Zhu, Z Wang, MP St-Onge, M Punyanita, SB Heymsfield, S Heshka. High correlation between single slice area and multi-slice volume imaging of the abdominal region despite high intra-subject between-slice variability in visceral adipose tissue. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A744.

49)S Zhu, A Jones Jr., SB Heymsfield, S Heshka. Relationship of waist circumference with metabolic risk factors in NHANES III: clinical action thresholds among African Americans and Mexican Americans. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A1089. (Oral presentation)

50)Alfredo Jones Jr., W Shen, F Rubiano, S Zhu, M Punyanita, SB Heymsfield. Visceral adipose tissue prediction: Are race differences after controlling for waist circumference and age? Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA. FASEB Journal 2003; 17: A743.

51)S Zhu, Y W Park, L Palaniappan, S Heshka, M R Carnethon, S B Heymsfield. The Metabolic Syndrome: Effects of ethnicity, BMI and socioeconomic risk factors. The 9th International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Obesity 2002; (Suppl). (Poster presentation)

52)W Shen, ZM Wang, H Tang, S Heshka, S Zhu, SB Heymsfield. Comparison of two geometric models of estimating tissue volumes: Validation by segmentation of visible women. The 9th International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Obesity 2002; (Suppl).

53)ZM Wang, S Zhu, W Shen, SB Heymsfield. Skeletal muscle mass of overweight and obese adults: Prediction from total-body potassium. The 9th International Congress on Obesity, Sao Paulo, Brazil. International Journal of Obesity 2002; (Suppl).

54)S Zhu, S Heshka, ZM Wang, SB Heymsfield. A combined measure of BMI and waist circumference (WC), compared to BMI, is a better predictor for blood pressure, serum lipids and plasma glucose. Annual Meeting of Experimental Biology. New Orleans, LN, FASEB Journal 2002; 16(4): A612. (Oral presentation)

55)ZM Wang, S Zhu, J Wang, RN Pierson Jr, SB Heymsfield. Whole-body skeletal muscle mass: Development and validation of total-body potassium prediction models. The 6th International Symposium on Body Composition Studies, 2002, Rome, Italy.

56)YW Park, S Zhu, S Heshka, SB Heymsfield. Metabolic syndrome: A major cardiovascular risk factor that afflicts one-third of the US population. San Diego, LA. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 75(Suppl); 169.

57)S Zhu, Z Wang, S Heshka, M Heo, M Faith, and S Heymsfield. Waist circumference cutoff-points based on the relationship with obesity-associated risk factors in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. San Diego, LA. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 75(Suppl); 84. (Oral presentation)

58)S Zhu, Z Wang, M Heo, M Faith, YW Park, S Heshka, and S Heymsfield. Relationship of waist circumference with obesity-associated risk factors in NHANES III: Waist circumference cut points for weight management. Quebec, Canada. Obesity Research 2001; 9(Suppl): 196S. (Poster presentation)

59)S Zhu, MS Heo, MW Plankey, MS faith, DB Allison. Differential associations of fat mass and lean body mass indicators with all-cause mortality in NHANES I and II follow-up studies. Los Angeles, CA. Obesity Research 2000; 8(Suppl): PD50. (Poster presentation)

60)Y Hori, T Kondo, H Yatsuya, K Tamakoshi, S Zhu, T Kawamura and H Toyoshima et al. Are Lifestyle and Health Check-up Influenced by Stress Consciousness (in Japanese). The 69th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Hygiene. Japanese Journal of Hygiene 1999; 54(1) (Suppl.): 418.

61)S Zhu, T Kondo, K Tamakoshi, H Toyoshima, et al. The Effects of Missing Value on Reliability in Repeated Questionnaire Surveys (in Japanese). The 58th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health, Kyusyu, Japan. Japanese Journal of Public Health 1999;(suppl). (Poster presentation)

62)H Yatsuya, T Kondo, Y Hori, K Tamakoshi, S Zhu, T Kawamura and H Toyoshima et al. A Work Site Cohort Study on Evaluation of Risk Factors for Life-style Related Diseases (in Japanese). The 9th Annual Meeting of Japanese Epidemiological Association, Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 1999; 9(1)(Suppl.): 71.

63)S Zhu, T Kondo, K Tamakoshi, K Miyanishi, N Seki, and H Toyoshima. Relationships of various lifestyle factors and health Examination with All-cause Mortality. The 15th International Scientific Meeting of International Epidemiology Association, 1999, Florence, Italy. (Poster presentation)

64)S Zhu, L Li and X J Ye. Current Status and Countermeasures of Health Care among Elderly in China (in Japanese). The 2nd International Symposium for Longevity Society, 1998, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral presentation)

65)S Zhu, T Kondo, H Sakakibara, H Toyoshima. Reproducibility of Past History of Disease and Family History of Cancer in Questionnaire Surveys. The 2nd Asian-Pacific Congress of Epidemiology Jointly with the 8th Scientific Meeting of Japan Epidemiological Association, Tokyo, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 1998; 8(1)(Suppl.): 81. (Poster presentation)

66)K Tsuzuki, T Kondo, S Zhu and H Toyoshima. Development of A New Index for Obesity Using Supersonic (in Japanese). The 57th National Conference for Japanese Society of Public Health, Gifu, Japan. Japanese Journal of Public Health 1998; 45(19)(Suppl.): 414.

67)S Zhu, T Kondo, H Sakakibara and H Toyoshima. A Cohort Study on Life Prognosis (in Japanese). The 67th National Conference of Japanese Society for Hygiene. Japanese Journal of Hygiene 1997; 52(1) (Suppl.): 246. (Oral presentation)

68)S Zhu, H Sakakibara, S Yamada. The effects of hand-arm vibration and noise (in Japanese). Japanese Journal of Occupational Health 1996; 38(suppl): S577. (Poster presentation)

69)H Sakakibara, S Zhu, T Kondo, M Miyao, S Yamada and H Toyoshima. Knee Pain and Its Relation to Factors in Living (in Japanese). The 66th National Conference of Japanese Society for Hygiene. Japanese Journal of Hygiene 1996; 51(1)(suppl.): 502.

70)S Zhu, H Sakakibara and S Yamada. An Experimental Study on A Combination of Vibration and Noise Affecting Hearing Threshold. The 7th International Conference on Hand-arm Vibration, May 1995, Prague, Czech Republic. (Poster presentation)



3)X. Ma, W. He, S. Zhu*. “Fat and fat distribution in menopause: Chinese aspects” In ‘Nutrition and Diet in Menopause’. pp 271-279. Humana Press 2013.

4)朱善宽, 孙淑梅,黄仙红. 人体组成学常用的统计方法 (in Chinese). 《人体组成学》王自勉等主编. 高等教育出版社, 2008年,北京。

5)H Toyoshima and S Zhu. Takayasu’s arteritis (in Japanese). In ‘Intractable Diseases – From Epidemiology to Clinical Care’. Eds. Y. Ono et al. Nansandou, 2000, Tokyo, pp. 64-68.

6)L Li, X.J Ye, S Zhu. The Current Status of Health Care amongst Elderly in China and Its Countermeasures (in Japanese). In ‘For the Purpose of Improvement of Human Welfare’ ed. Saburo NISHI. KeiSou Publishing Co. Lt. 1999, Tokyo, pp. 84-111.

7)H Yatsuya, T Kondo, Y Hori, K Tamakoshi, S Zhu, T. Kawamura, T. et al. Seeking Evidence for Lifestyle Related Diseases Prevention by Computerizing Annual Health Check-up Data and Storing Blood Samples for Long-term Use in a Large Occupational Setting (in Japanese with English Abstract). Proceedings of Kyoei Life Insurance Research Achievements. 1999; 19: 65-73.

8)J Luo, H Sakakibara, S Zhu, M Hirata, M Abe. A Study of Autonomic Nervous Response to Cold Test in VWF Patients Using HRV Power Spectral Analysis and Skin Temperature. Proceedings of 5th Japan Informal Group on Human Response to Vibration (Inuyama), 1997, pp.136-147.

9)H Sakakibara, J Luo, S Zhu, M Hirata, M Abe. Cardiac Autonomic Nervous Response to Cold in VWF Patients. Proceedings of 32nd United Kingdom Group Meeting on Human Response to Vibration (Southampton), 1997, pp. 295-304.

10)H Sakakibara, S Zhu, S Yamada. Combined effect of hand-arm vibration and noise on temporary hearing threshold shift. Proceedings of the 1996 International Congress no Noise Control Engineering. 1996, Liverpool, UK, pp: 1655-1658.

11)H Sakakibara, S Maeda, S Zhu, M Morioka. Head Vibration during Operation of Pneumatic Tool in Quarry Work. Proceedings of 4th Japan Informal Group on Human Response to Vibration, 1996, pp.132-140.

12)H Sakakibara, M Hirata, T Hashiguchi, N Toibana, S Zhu, etc. Measurement of digital nerve conduction velocity for detecting peripheral neuropathy in vibration syndrome. Proceedings of hand-arm vibration syndrome: Diagnostics and quantitative relationships to exposure. In G. Gemne, et al., eds. Solna, Sweden, 1995: 5; 133-136.  

1)S Zhu. Obesity diagnosis and chronic disease in China.
Invited Lecture: Stanford and Peking University Students Seminar, Stanford Center at Peking University, Beijing, China January 2015.

2)S Zhu. Build obesity related modifiable risk factor network.
Speech: The Eighth APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) Global Health Workshop, Hangzhou, China October 31 – November 2, 2013.

3)S Zhu. Chronic disease prevention and its direction in China (in Chinese).
Invited Speech: Annual Meeting of the Preventive Medicine Association of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou, China July 6 – 7, 2013.

4)S Zhu. Chronic disease epidemic - A global health issue.
Speech: The Seventh APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) Global Health Workshop, LA, USA August 20 - 22, 2012.

5)S Zhu. Fat mass, fat distribution and chronic diseases – Ethnic differences and public health implications.
Keynote Speech: The Ninth International Symposium on in Vivo Body Composition Studies, Hangzhou, China May 21-24, 2011.  

6)S Zhu. Obesity and Chronic disease prevention in China.
Speech: The Public Health Challenge of Chronic Diseases in the Asia Pacific Region, Nanjing University, China, June, 2010.

7)S Zhu. Chronic disease prevention in China (in Chinese).
Speech: Hangzhou Forum of Public Health International Strategy, Hangzhou, China, April, 2010.
8)S Zhu. Obesity diagnosis
Lecture: Graduate students, Hongkong Chinese University, Hongkong, October, 2009.

9)S Zhu. Road traffic injury epidemiology (in Chinese). 
Lectures: 1) Graduate students, Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou, China, May 2008.
                2) Physicians, Affiliated Hospital of Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou, China, May 2008.
                3) Graduate students, Zhongshan University School of Public Health. Guangzhou, China, Jun 2008.

10)S Zhu. Obesity prevention (in Chinese).
Lectures: 1) Graduate students, Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou, China, May 2008.
                2) Graduate students, Zhunyi Medical College, Guizhou, China, May 2008.
                3) Graduate students, Zhongshan University School of Public Health. Guangzhou, China, Jun 2008.

11)S Zhu. Motor vehicle injury and obesity (in Chinese). International Critical Care Symposium – The 20th Anniversary of Emergency and Critical Care Center, the 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Dec 2006. 

12)S Zhu. The effects of seatbelt use and airbag deployment on chest injuries among elderly. Wisconsin Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) Committee Meeting, University of Wisconsin in Madison, Feb 2006.

13)S Zhu. Motor vehicle crash epidemiology – Outcomes and related factors (in Chinese). 
Lectures: 1) Graduate students and ED physicians, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China, Nov 2005.
                2) Graduate students and ED physicians, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, Nov 2005.
                3) Graduate students and physicians, Emergency Department, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou China, Nov 2005.

14)S Zhu. Obesity diagnostic criteria – Body mass index (BMI) or anything else?
Lectures: 1) Graduate students, Zhejiang University School of Medicine and School of Public Health, Hangzhou, China, Nov 2005.
                2) Graduate students and Nutrition doctors, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, Nov 2005.
15)S. Zhu. Obesity definition and physical activity (in Chinese). 
Lectures: Undergraduate students (grade 2nd and 3rd), Zhejiang Normal University College of Physical Education and College of Social Work, Jinghua, China, Nov 2005.

16)S Zhu. Associations of anthropometric measures with motor vehicle crashes. Epidemiology Seminar, Department of Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Mar 2004.

17)S Zhu. Seatbelt use in motor vehicle crashes, and helmet use in motorcyclists. Wisconsin Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) Committee Meeting, University of Wisconsin in Madison, Mar 2004.

18)S Zhu. Is body-mass index (BMI) good enough for obesity assessment? Epidemiology Seminar, Department of Epidemiology, Medical College of Wisconsin, Jan 2004.
19)S. Zhu. Motor vehicle fatality: Risk associated with body mass index and behavior factors. Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Dec 2003.

20)S. Zhu. Obesity and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Obesity Research Center, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, USA, June 20, 2003.

21)S Zhu. The development and assessment of obesity indicators. Department of Family Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 15, 2002.

22)S Zhu. Optimal combination of body-mass index and waist circumference for identifying CVD risk factors. The 6th Annual (2002) Academic Retreat & Annual Wu Lecture. Institute of Human Nutrition, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University. October 1, 2002.  
23)S Zhu. Waist circumference and obesity-associated risk factors. Obesity Research Center, St. Luke’s / Roosevelt Hospital, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, USA, October, 2001.

24)S Zhu. BMI and all-cause mortality – Findings from The First and Second National Nutrition and Examination Surveys. Obesity Research Center, St. Luke’s/Roosevelt Hospital, Institute of Human Nutrition, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, New York, USA, April, 2001.

25)S Zhu. Co-morbidity between diabetes, low blood pressure and stomach cancer. Research Committee of Stomach Cancer (in Japanese). Kyusyu, Japan, August 1999.

26)S Zhu. A newly developed method for kappa statistics calculation of more than three variables using macro SAS (in Japanese). Department of Public Health, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, Feb, 1999.

27)S Zhu. Reliability and validity in questionnaire surveys – Its methods and recent development. Department of Public Health, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, May, 1997.

28)S Zhu. Relationships between health examination and mortality (in Japanese). Annual Meeting of ‘Research Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture on Evaluation of Risk Factors for Cancer’, Nagoya, Japan, Jan 1997.

29)S Zhu. Analysis of mortality and risk factors between participants and non-participants to blood test (in Japanese). Department of Public Health, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, Jun, 1996.

30)S Zhu. Hearing and noise-induced hearing threshold shift. Department of Public Health, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, Jan, 1996. 

31)S Zhu. The effects of vibration and noise on hearing: A summary. Department of Public Health, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan, Nov, 1995.